Learning Objectives
- Describe the latest evidence-based screening and assessment tools for early detection of neuro-developmental issues.
- Apply best practices in delivering comprehensive, family-centered care for children with neuro-developmental disorders.
- Address the unique needs of children with autism spectrum disorder
- Describe evidence-based therapies that optimize motor, cognitive, and behavioral functioning in children and adolescents with neuro-developmental differences.
- Design and implement interdisciplinary approaches to developmental rehabilitation, integrating various therapeutic modalities.
- Recognize and effectively manage co-occurring mental health conditions in children and adolescents with neuro-developmental differences.
- Implement evidence-based interventions and collaborative care models to support the overall mental well-being and positive behavioral outcomes of their patients.
- Develop and advocate for school-based initiatives that promote mental health and emotional regulation in pediatric populations with neuro-developmental disorders.
- Share research. Innovative educational programs, and advocacy efforts with respect to developmental-behavioural paediatrics in primary care and in subspecialty care.
- Workshops on Hot Topics in behavioural and neuro-developmental Pediatrics to help you overcome key challenges of day-to-day practices.
- To meet peers and colleagues working in the same field, share experiences and build up networking for better patient service.
- Recognize the developmental Benefits of Expressive Art therapy.
- Benefits of Art Therapy for children with developmental challenges.
By achieving these learning objectives, the attendees of the 1st Emirates International Congress in developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics will be better equipped to provide comprehensive, evidence-based, and culturally responsive care for children and adolescents with a wide range of neuro-developmental and behavioral challenges in the UAE and the broader region.
Target Audience
- Pediatricians and Child Neurologists
- Developmental and Behavioral Pediatricians
- Neurodevelopment Paediatricians
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
- Rehabilitation Specialists (Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists,
Speech-Language Pathologists) - Clinical Psychologists and Behavioral Therapists
- Teachers, counselors, administrators and School-Based Professionals
- Researchers and Academic Professionals
- Family Medicine & Family Physicians
- Families of children with neurodiversities
- Self advocates
- General pediatricians
- Genetic and metabolic specialists
- Genetic counselors
- Pediatric residents
- Nurses
- AI Experts/Technologists for Children Devices & Tools